About Us
Team Bike Smart

Ashley Funk
Ashley is a hopeful Design-E pursuing the 4+1 dual-degree program between Olin and Wellesley. At Wellesley, she is an environmental studies major and lives in the Sustainability Cooperative (SCoop), so working on bLOCK has been a great fit for her.

Austin Greene
Austin Greene is in the process of pursuing a degree in Engineering with a concentration in Computer Science. This means he can code a mean program that breaks the security of your program. When he isn't bending code to destroy his opponents, he steamrolls them on the frisbee field.

Zoher Ghadyali
Zoher is a sophomore at Olin College, working on becoming an Electrical and Computer Engineer. He really likes working with embedded systems and interfacing between the software and electrical domains. He also can't breathe when he laughs to hard, which usually makes him laugh harder. When he's not laughing with his PoE team, he's probably actually working. Maybe.

Yong Seon Lee
Yong Seon is an exchange student from KAIST, South Korea for this semester. He was planning to major in physics until he met CS101 course of KAIST and fell in love with programming in his first year. He loves to sing as well as code. He is in a punk rock band in KAIST as a vocalist who likes ballad more. He is going to go back to Korea soon and study more. After graduate, he will go to the graduate school of KAIST computer science department.

Kristyn Walker
Kristyn first discovered her love for biking this past summer, when she biked across the country for affordable housing. She is completing her Mechanical Engineering degree at Olin College, while learning to integrate her two passions- biking and engineering. When she isn't biking around Massachusettes she is doing a lot for her college as an R2.

Hannah Wilk
Hannah Wilk is going to Olin College of Engineering to study Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Robotics. Her interest in the integration of engineering deciplines almost caused her to never declare a major. Thankfully she is able to appreciate her "free" time playing video games, reading books, and drawing.